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How to Become a Skills-Based Organisation - A Practical Guide for Leaders

The buzz around Skills-Based Organisations this year has been growing louder.

But what does it really mean to be a Skills-Based Organisation?

And more importantly, how can you take practical steps to help your organisation make this critical transition?

In this month's blog, we're excited to dive into the ins and outs of skills-based organisations, providing a concrete guide for all you leaders out there to go ahead and get started!


So What ACTUALLY is a Skills-Based Organisation anyway?

In a nutshell, Skills-Based Organisations value and invest heavily in the skills and competencies of their employees, recognising that they are the key drivers of performance, innovation, and growth.

Unlike many traditional organisations that rely on stuffy qualifications and complex job titles, skills-based organisations focus on matching the capabilities and potential of employees to specific tasks and opportunities.

Why WOULD I CONSIDER TRANFORMING INTO a Skills-Based Organisation?

Becoming a Skills-Based Organisation offers a number of key benefits including:

Increased Productivity & Efficiency:

Aligning employees' skills with organisational needs helps optimise human resources and enhance bottom-line business outcomes.

Continous Learning, Innovation & Creativity:

Encouraging employees to learn and apply new skills fosters a culture of continous learning experimentation and problem-solving.

Enhanced Employee Engagement & Retention:

Investing in and rewarding skills development in your organisation is proven to boost motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty, leading to higher retention rates.

Greater Flexibility & Agility:

Developing a diverse and flexible skills portfolio across your business allows for quick and effective responses to market volatility, changes in customer demands, and technological advancements like the rise of AI and Machine Learning.

How to Become a Skills-Based Organisation

Transforming into a Skills-Based Organisation is a continuous process requiring commitment, collaboration, and communication.

Although this a complex subject area, we have condensed our thoughts into 5 practical steps to guide you as you get started on your Skills Transformation journey:

Step 1. Assess the Current State of Skills

Identify essential, in-demand, and outdated skills within your organisation. Use tools like skills audits, surveys, interviews, or online platforms to collect and analyse data.

Most modern HR technology solutions can now capture and analyse skills data, conduct assessments, and help your business get started in this area. Contact us If you need support identifying the right tech for you business.

2. Define the FUTURE State of Skills

Based on your businesses unique strategic objectives and vision, start to determine the skills your organisation needs in the future.

Frameworks like the Skills Wheel can help you to streamline and categorise priority skills.

3. Develop a ROBUST Skills Strategy and Action Plan

To begin to bridge the gap between current and desired skills, we need to develop a robust strategy and action plan.

Use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) to set goals and objectives.

Outline the critical actions, resources, responsibilities, and timelines for each initiative, much like you would if you were planning any project.

4. EXperiment & Monitor the Skills Strategy

Now you have a plan. It's time to execute it in phases and monitor progress using indicators like skills acquisition, application, retention, and impact.

Start off small with a specific area or business unit, collecting feedback from stakeholders to evaluate satisfaction and value.

5. Review and CONTINOUSLY REFINE THE Skills Strategy

Based on results and feedback, adjust your strategy to align with changing organisational needs revisiting your approach sequentially as you move through your business.

And remember, don't forgot to celebrate those wins, share best practices, and continuously improve your skills development initiatives.

That’s it for this month’s edition! ✌️ 

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